Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

"Niggle Nation: A State of Dubiety" ::: Dr. James L. Taylor, Co-Hosting



"Niggle Nation: A State of Dubiety" ::: "niggle" verb ::: To make often criticisms or objections about matters. ::: "dubiety" noun ::: A feeling or attitude that one does not know the truth, truthfulness, or trustworthiness of someone or something. Tonight with the OCG Political Contributor, Dr. James L. Taylor, Chair of Political Studies, University of San Francisco, we will attempt to give language and narrative to the fragile nature of our country. It really is hard to see back and forward while walking through a firestorm. Most Americans are bewildered and feel that chaos is burning down the house. We hope to unravel and unbind the sense of helplessness and hopelessness and bring us back on course. Check- out our podcast PowerView http://bit.ly/Powerview at TruthWorks Network Web     Facebook  Twitter  OCG Exchange