Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

Arad Malhotra | Co-Founder of Skyless Games Studios



Everybody Has An Idea "It's great that you have an idea, go out and do something with it. Don't waste time in contemplating if t's worthy of building a company out of. Just go out and do it! Also, don't be afraid of sharing it. Most people aren't as malicious as you may think. Tell people about your idea, they care more about their own ideas, than yours?..." People Are Your Biggest Resource "It could be the person to your left or right, your classmate, your professor, the rich or even the poorest in the room, respect relationships and have these people hear out your ideas. Whether it's good or bad, ask for feedback. The decision at the end of the day is your own, but use your resources to help build your ideas to create something big!..." Be Self Critical, But Do Not Be Overly Self Critical "This is another trap for people, they are overly critical of their own decisions and own products, but people (entrepreneurs) don't realize they are losing all of this time. Entrepreneurs are look