Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

Ways To Get Press Without A Huge Budget With Jered Martin



After the recording of this interview, I got to learn Jered even more so than just talking about business. What I like about his approach to business is genuine, honest, and caring. He's a good guy and someone that you can trust. He's one of those guys where even if you don't have the best experience with One Pitch, he's going to do everything in his power to get it right. The good thing for Jered is that he may not have to do that too often because OnePitch is an amazing service. PR is one of those things that we all know we need, but it's difficult to get right, I've been using OnePitch for a few months now, and this is not a paid endorsement, but I love the simplicity of the service. It makes PR more manageable. In the episode we talk about how in order to get the higher tier press, you primarily have to build a foundation. That begins with a good story. Most businesses try to go big and directly after the Forbes and Inc's of the world. But maybe start small and work your way up. We also talk about what a