Cash Chats

#149 Fighting food poverty and helping foodbanks



It's expected that record numbers of households are currently unable to afford basic essentials like food. A 61% increase is expected in demand for a food parcel this winter - and those figures were from before the new lockdowns. So what can you do? We're not all Marcus Rashford but we can all do our bit. In this episode I talk to fellow money bloggers Faith Archer and Nicola Richardson about ways to support your local foodbank, including getting involved in the UK Money Bloggers' #FoodbankAdvent challenge. * Please do leave a review and rating if this saves you money. * LINKS More about #FoodbankAdvent The Trussell Trust  Nicola's blog The Frugal Cottage Faith's blog Much More With Less  ABOUT CASH CHATS Cash Chats is presented by money blogger and broadcaster Andy Webb. In 2020 the podcast has been featured as one of