Psychedelics Today

Paul Austin - Psychedelia and The Third Wave - Psychedelic Media



Download Kyle and Joe speak with, Paul Austin, psychedelic educator, founder of The Third Wave and Psychedelia. Paul is a super fun guy to talk to. He tours both in the US and internationally to speak about microdosing. Microdosing is becoming incredibly popular and seems to be making psychedelics more popular in the mainstream. Microdosing can help with creativity, therapy and many other things without any of the burden of a "full" dose. What is the psychedelic Third Wave? Paul describes it as: A new era of psychedelic use. It is an era of psychedelic use defined by practical, measured use for specific purposes. It is an era, not for ‘dropping-out’ of society, but for integrating psychedelics into the mainstream. It is an era, not to fear psychedelics for their possible negative repercussions, but to embrace psychedelics for their tremendous upside. Some insight from DR. JAMES FADIMAN “For some people, it is helpful to identify your goals. Your goals may be spiritual: to have direct experience with aspec