Psychedelics Today

Daniel Greig - University of Toronto



Download This is a great episode featuring Daniel Greig. He is a student at the University of Toronto and psychedelic community organizer working with CSSDP and the Toronto Psychedelic Society. We go all over the map but some notable things discussed on this episode including: Measuring wisdom Mindfulness The promise of psychedelics Future research opportunities How friendly the University of Toronto is to psychedelic research Interesting philosophical overlaps with psychedelics and occultism and much more!! Quotes We’re very much detached from our own traditions here in the west. Just imagining practicing something can have just as much of an effect of your performance than actually practicing it. You have to bring your insights back into the community to be an effective member of society. There’s a strong relationship between wisdom and psychedelics. Without intervention, life will tend toward suffering. Links - Daniel Grieg Youtube - Daniel Grieg R