Patrick Jones Baseball

3D Motion Capture System for Hitting, K-Motion, with Jim Beadle - 127



What if I told you their was a device that measures how efficient your body moves in your swing? In this episode we have Jim Beadle. Jim is a 3D Motion Capture consultant for K-Motion. K-Motion is a 3D Motion Capture System with four sensors that are strapped to the hitter. One for the Pelvis, Torso, Lead Arm, and Hand. After each swing you are able to tell if the hitter is in sequence or not. A graph called the kinematic sequence graph shows up that allows you to see the order in which the body parts move and how quickly they decelerate. For those hitting nerds that want even more information K-Vest allows you to get more in depth and produces four other graphs to go along with the kinematic sequence graph. Two for the upper body and two for the lower body. The amount of information that is produced with this device is unbelievable. K-Vest Code: pjb5 for $250 0ffBlast Motion Code: pjb25 for $25 off See for privacy and opt-out information.