Rugby Pickem

RugbyPickEmBio - 015 - Adam Drury



Ladies and Gentleman, we have ourselves a time capsule pod. Rugby PickEm sat down with Adam Drury the night before he moved from Fort Collins, CO to Blacksburg, VA to pursue a career as a veterinarian. It was a beautiful summer night in June 2018, and the birds were a chirpin'. Adam talked about his amazing rugby career and the experiences that came with it. It can be summed up in one of his final lines ... "I can't thank everybody enough who have been part of my "rugby life. I hope that anyone out there who is considering rugby will give it a shot ... because it's a friendship and family like no other". Stop 1: Passion For The Game - Greenville, SC Furman Paladins (college) Greenville Griffins (men's club) Tried soccer (thank god that didn't play out) Argies recruited him ... coached by John Roberts aka "The Brainchild". Pushed back Wildlife photography for rugby (saving it for his late 70's) Stop 2: A Never Ending Craft, New Zealand Showed up on Mark Mackey's door. Senior 1's (one under Prems). Knows t