Rugby Pickem

A Lustful Rugby Marriage



Happy Long Weekend. We can't believe it's been almost 4 months since rugby has been played in the US. And yet, strangely ... there's been more news than we could have ever imagined. Between player signings, two new MLR franchises (minus one withdrawing), and the inaugural MLR draft, it's actually been worth staying plugged in on what is going on here domestically .... even if there are no active games. Bt and Tommy NoPiks hit the phone lines to hear from the people. It just so happens that our first caller wants to know about the new rugby marriage (right here in the Mile High City). W.E. Ellis - 1:25 "W.E. Ellis calling from space. Long time listener. I was curious to hear if you approve of the arranged marriage between dead-broke USA Rugby and Glendale aka Rugbytown USA. I hate to sound like a cynic, but if my track record of ex-wives is an accurate indication it will be short-lived and full of lustfullness" Per Alex Goff, USA Rugby gets the following from Glendale: Rent-free offices for one year. Free