Bragging On Jesus

Proverbs 10:26 BC Word Of The Day



Proverbs 10:26 Like vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to those who send him. The word of the day is irritate. If you’ve never tried the vinegar on the teeth, it hurts. It’s got a sour taste and a smell that about gags you. It’s cold and that makes your whole mouth hurt. Imagine sinking your teeth into a big ball of tin foil. Those with cavities or filling are cringing at just the thought. It’s painful, uncomfortable, dissatisfying and down right irritating. The vinegar to the teeth isn’t all together common. But the smoke in the eyes, that is. Weather it’s from a grill in the back yard, an unplanned fire that your trying to control or last nights dinner that you forgot to set a timer for. Most of us have had smoke in the eyes. It’s hot and stings. It makes your eyes blood shot and watery while oddly enough, dry as the Sahara desert. One good puff of smoke strait to the eyes will make you wish you had Ben Stein on speed dial for some Clear Eyes eye drops. The passage today