Sacred Leadership with Sigrid Tasies

Becoming More Self-Expressed with Preston Smiles



“There is only one of us here. And everybody to some degree is looking for more permission to be more of themselves.”Feeling safe to be self-expressed (02:52)“I don’t believe in unconditional love as it pertains to human to human.” (03:38)Societal unspoken rules that condition our behaviour (04:40)How social and historical programming affects us all (07:33)“There is only one of us here. And everybody to some degree is looking for more permission to be more of themselves.” (09:29)1 tip to get started with expressing yourself more authentically (11:29)Some women experience being beautiful as it being a burden (12:29)Why is important that leaders work on taking off the masks and becoming more self-expressed (14:20)Showing the whole version of ourselves, no just the pretty parts (15:53)The journey of sovereignty and Truth (17:49)How to know what Coach to hire (18:36)Why having a spiritual practice is completely crucial in life (21:31)Work with Preston (25:55)What makes leadership sacred? (27:01)Follow Preston:Ins