Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

197. How Do You Manage Emotions At Work?



Shifts in business practices have been happening faster with the growth of technology. During COVID-19, virtual meetings which were previously considered annoying became a necessity. Every day a new software comes out that allows people to do more with in less time. However, there seems to remain a struggle to advance training within companies. In 2004, companies began outsourcing their training to save money. After paying for a training department, the initial numbers showed that they could pay a contractor less. However, like most things, they forgot to account for human error. The training agencies were not as familiar with the company and ended up costing more because of the lack of quality in training. This is not to say that training agencies are bad, but they don’t have the level of knowledge about the specific company the employees will be working for. Unfortunately, so many analysts are high in IQ (Intelligence Quotient) but not in EQ (Emotional Quotient). It is very easy to crunch numbers and ha