Talk To The Entities® ~ Cara Wright And Bret Rushia

The Butterfly Effect of Choice: How Your Choice to Be Aware of Entities Changes the World



What is the butterfly effect? "It is the scientific theory that a single occurrence, no matter how small, can change the course of the universe forever" Where have you been playing small because you have decided that "little ole you" can't create something MORE for you and this planet's future? What if your willingness to acknowledge the spirit world and what you KNOW about it, is the CHANGE and GIFT that you be that could create a totally different possibility for us ALL? This week we have the special treat of inviting a fellow Talk to the Entity facilitator! Gosia Lorenz is brilliant and fun! She has opened doors for many people who are looking to develop their own psychic awareness and change the way they see the spirit world. Gosia will be joining us in the lively conversation about what happens when we honor our abilities to communicate with the spirit world and choose to BE MORE not matter what! What choice are you willing to have that will create the "BUTTERFLY EFFECT" of consciousness?? I wonder.... F