Talk To The Entities® ~ Cara Wright And Bret Rushia

Entities??? What the F@*#%k?? On Talk to the Entities with Cara and Bret



One of the biggest things that keep people unaware and in the dark about entities is that they have a bout A BILLION MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT them. What are they? How do I know it's an entity I'm aware of? What can they do? What can't they do? Only medium can do that. If I can't see them they aren't real. It's wrong to com I care with the dead. They are scary and creepy. If I talk to them they will have control over me. Etc ......etc........etc......etc...... The difficult thing about entities is that they have been made so wrong and creepy in our society, and the most common way of being educated about them is through the media and religion. Two very different and judgmental places to receive info. What if you have a completely different education about entities? What if everything you have been taught is a lie? What if there is way more here for you (like having more of you and your awareness) than you ever thought possible?... Bret and I are excited about shedding some light into the places where people have m