Talk To The Entities® ~ Cara Wright And Bret Rushia

What if YOU are the medium?? On Talk to the Entities with Cara and Bret



There are more and more people all over the world who are tapping into their abilities to communicate with spirits and using it to create businesses as mediums. These mediums vary in race, age, ethnicity, and skill. What makes them a medium? Their Choice. In playing with the tools of Talk to the Entities as a Faciliator, there is one thing that I have noticed about every single person that shows up to a class. They have an innate capacity to be aware of and communicate with entities even if they believed they didn’t. Have you ever been fascinated with what mediums do but never thought you could have any capacity like they have? Are you currently a medium and would like some more tools to add to your toolbox in empowering others to discover their capacities? In this episode we’ll be talking to two volunteers and using the tools and processes of Access Consciousness and Talk to the Entities to explore with them the capacities they have for communicating with the spirit world.