Talk To The Entities® ~ Cara Wright And Bret Rushia

“Business AS an Entity” on Talk to the Entities with Cara and Bret with Special Guest Simone Milasas



Did you know that ENTITY by definition is an energy that is defined?? Under this definition many things are and I are entities, ghosts, spirits, books, artwork, and YES any BUSINESS. Have you created a business or have you ever desired to create a business? Would you like some amazing tips and tools about how to create more fun, ease and success with your business by looking at it as it's own entity?? What else is possible when you know how to contribute to the ENTITY that is your business and and ARE willing to RECEIVE from it?? We have a PHENOMENAL guest this week!!! Simone Milasas is bringing her brilliance of business to "Talk to the Entities with Cara and Bret"! How did we get so lucky?? Simone Milasas is a director of multiple companies and the Worldwide Coordinator of Access Consciousness™. She is a business mentor and specializes in enabling business owners to create businesses which operate from the 'Joy of Business'. She presents her 'Joy of Business' programs internationally and onlin