Matrix Breakers

CDC numbers adjusted: How this affects the Corona narrative



This is the link for the ACT Energy Drink from Youngevity!  It comes in a powder form that can be mixed with a blender cup full of water. I have used this daily for the past 4 years with incredible benefits through the energy I get all day long. Give it a try!  Here's the list of the points I made in this podcast: 1. The CDC is incompetent, so in essence it doesn't really matter, but it DOES matter to the politicians who continue to cite it as their reason to shut down the local economies.   2. To blindly say that covid was the cause of death for people who really died of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. is intellectual incompetence.  3. We know that many people have died from other causes, BUT they test the dead bodies as a part of burial procedure and those positives ARE counted. So, the number is inflated no matter how you spin this! 4. Hospitals were making up to $13,000 for every POSITIVE Covid test. You'd be stupid if you think that hospitals, who aren't seeing regular patie