Unchained With Becky Herdt

Unhiding Your Brilliance ~ Guest Lisa Murray



There’s a YOU that you never show the world. This YOU is the brilliant you… and you keep it hidden… in case someone judges you, in case that you isn’t perfect enough, in case someone actually sees you and expects a whole lot more of you! What if keeping the brilliant you hidden is stopping you from having everything you’re asking for? Join Me in welcoming the fabulous Lisa Murray  for a fun conversation about letting the brilliant you out on a few adventures! What if unleashing brilliant you is the source of your true happiness and success?   And if you’re thinking that you aren’t brilliant, this must be for someone else… know that is just another of those excuses that keeps you stuck! We all have brilliances that are unique to who we are. Too few of us shine this brilliance in the world! Lisa Murray is a creation catalyst and coach for multi-creative entrepreneurs and world-changers who desire to create their ideas in nurturing, playful ways. She’s a word alchemist. A nurturer of possibilities (and people!).