Inward With Rabbi Joey Rosenfeld

The Ten Sefirot: Daat - Attention



S4:E6 Without Daat you have nothing, with Daat you have everything.  For our purposes Daat will not be considered an active sefirah but rather an internalized force that animates all other Sefirot. This episode focuses on the role of Daat as the external disclosure of Keter’s interior; the mode of embodied thought associated with Daat; the dialectical sway between connection and separation as embodied in Daat and the different iterations of Daat in the twofold form of “Transcendent Daat” and “Immanent Daat”. While discussing Daat as a stand alone concept we must keep in mind that Daat is neither something nor nothing but rather the impossible combination of both something and nothing and it must therefore be read as a bracketed concept that separates and connects the three upper Sefirot and the lower seven.  Please help us share Rabbi Joey's teaching by taking a moment to fill out our listener survey so we can better understand who is learning along with him, and how we can improve.