Theberrycast By Adam Berry

Finding Solutions for (Dis) Ability Fitness with Danielle Roberts



For a long time, I have had the absolute pleasure of working with Natalie South a Para-Athlete who has Cerebral Palsy.   When we first met she told me a terrifying story about how she was treated in a class by a Personal Trainer who just wasn't willing to work with her, and her condition in order to let her get the most out of what a Fitness Class should be.  Added to that Natalie has just one of the most open attitudes to trying anything and everything when it comes to her Fitness.  This has lead me on a little quest to try and help open up the discussion around (Dis)Ability Fitness and how the Fitness Industry can and should do a lot better when it comes to this field...and as luck would have it I happened upon today's guest Danielle Roberts.  Danielle is starting a Fitness Platform for Disabled people to be able to enjoy Fitness for themselves and is setting about to create an App with dedicated workouts for Disable people by Disabled Trainers and Coaches.  Its a fantastic idea, an