Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

“Southern Comfort: Claiming The Porch Power” with Ruby N. Sales :: Rescheduled



“Southern Comfort: Claiming The Porch Power” Guest, Ruby N. Sales, Spirit House Project Ruby Sales is the founder and director of the Spirit House Project, a non-profit that works towards racial, economic, and social justice. .A social activist, scholar, public theologian, and educator, Sales has preached around the country on race, class, gender, and reconciliation.  LIVE & CALL-IN Listen & Call Line: (347) 838-9852 Follow us on Twitter, Facebook Instagram OUR COMMON GROUND-ON-DEMAND   iHeartRadio ::: itune.apple.podcast ::: Tune-In ::: RepublicRadio ::: stitcher.com ::: speaker  "Speaking Truth to Power and OURSELVES"