Glass Half Full With Leslie Krongold, Ed.d.

Coping Just Fine: Working from Home, Streaming Media & Making Masks



Featured are four people -- with their own unique health conditions -- that are making the best of the quarantine and pandemic. Luda Gogolushko, who has SMA Type 3 and lives in Southern California, continues to write and publish from the safety of her home. Lindsey Kizer, in North Carolina, gets to telecommute for her job and tries to maintain self-care routines to avoid narcoleptic flare ups. Jay Carr, with myotonic dystrophy in Virginia, spends more time with his teenage son during the lockdown. He also cheers others with his humorous Facebook posts and musical interludes. Peter Slobodnik, outside of Sacramento, keeps himself busy by making masks for friends and family while also planning an advocacy bike ride to draw attention to his rare disease, Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia.