More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

Is Block Management BROKEN?



Is block management broken? That’s all you ever hear in the industry that block management is broken for numerous reasons. But are they looking at the bigger picture? Are the looking at a balanced viewpoint? In the latest episode, Des looks through several of the key highlight problems in the sector, and asks does this really mean that the sector is broken? Do you agree, is the sector broken? Listen on to spark the debate on where is the balance in the industry.   Key Takeaways Lots of people are saying that block management is broken. When people are only talking about the negative. It can become dangerous in my mind because that’s all you hear sometimes. You just get a one-sided picture of what is going on inside the industry. It’s important to explore this view and understand it.   The problem with the narrative at the minute is that no-one is challenging the view. It sometimes feels that if you are against the grain in your opinion if you challenge the mainstream view. You are seen as someone who is