
Rand(Nerds); Episode 7



This month we were on a time limit and used a different way of  recording, so we may seem a bit rushed and audio a bit rough. We get  joined by our new regular Rand(Nerd); Adam Thorn, we discuss how the  ‘Promise of Tits’ applies to game making, possible spin off and sequels  to Amnesia: A machine for pigs. Games we were meant to playing and  didn’t, Super Mario Wii World, the lack of Vikings in game, A decent  Capcom game, the first episode of the Walking Dead Season 2 and Dragons  Crown. We do our first (possibly last) film review for The Hobbit and  look forward to be griefed in Dark Souls 2. We also discuss some hard  core Farming Simulator Mods, Elder Scrolls bugs, Dolphin physiology,  shield bashing old ladies, and failing to finish old games. — oh, and  Spoiler Alert for the first Mario Game. Notes Squeal like a piggy (maybe) with Amnesia: A Machine for pigs. WiiU System Seller Super Mario 3D world. Tiny Barbarian, a modern-retro game. Go home to a