Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

OUR COMMON GROUND ::: "The Black Firewall" ::: Dr. Ron Daniels, IBW21st



"The Black Firewall: Will It Hold?" Guest: Dr. Ron Daniels  Veteran social and political activist Dr. Ron Daniels was an independent candidate for President of the United States in 1992. He served as Executive Director of the National Rainbow Coalition in 1987 and Southern Regional Coordinator and Deputy Campaign Manager for the Jesse Jackson for President Campaign in 1988.   Founder and President of the Institute of the Black World 21st Century (IBW), a progressive, African centered, action-oriented Resource Center dedicated to empowering people of African descent and marginalized communities. As the administrator for the National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC),  NAARC supports HR-40, the Congressional Bill that would establish a National Commission to study reparations proposals for African Americans. Dr. Ron Daniels serves as the Convener of NAARC and is lead co-author of its  10 Point Reparations Program. Stay Connected with OCG Join us LIVE from the OCG Studio each Wednesday night