The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

053: The Love That Made Mother Teresa



It's no surprise. Mother Teresa is the newest saint of the Catholic Church. I became Catholic the year after she died. I hadn't paid her much attention. And yet along with the rest of the world, I knew she was holy. Sure, there were detractors. There always are. They're nuts. While most people loved and respected Mother Teresa, she also made them uneasy. Let's be honest, she made a lot of Catholics uneasy! Hers might have been the "little way" of her namesake St. Therese of Lisieux, but it wasn't an easy way. Sainthood never is. In this episode I brought in phenomenal author David Scott. He's been a powerhouse in the Catholic universe for more than 30 years, publishing all over world and holding top editorial positions at the largest Catholic newspaper (Our Sunday Visitor) and Catholic News Service. He's currently the Vice Chancellor of Communications in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He's hands down one of the best Catholic writers around. And he's written a gorgeous little book about Mother Teresa that's u