Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast

RQG 142 - Splashing Around



Join Alex, Helen, Bryn, Lydia, and Ben as they find more puzzles than they can handle. This week Zolf is more confused, Cel has a beefy brain, Azu goes first, and Hamid's at least got Skraak.Thanks to this week's Patrons:Jam-Jamz, Anna Ivanyos, Kellan B, Sarah S, Gabriella Cigarroa, Ashley DesertWillow' Wilson, Ashura Sumeragi, Kenzie JP, Catherine Evans, Jess Riley, Elodie_L, Anna Walker, Eri Martinez, AJNR, isabella bestfriend, Tracy T, Beaujester Real, Jake Cazden, Vinetabris, QuatermooseIf you'd like to join them visit this week by Lowri Ann Davies, Tessa Vroom & Alexander J NewallSFX this week by martinimeniscus, bruce 965, Daphne_in_Wonderland, hz37, Timbre, Eelke, _stubb, Nakhas, thavis 360, BockelSound, Sonicquinn, Tdude9000, adcbycicle, Vamirella17, dheming, Leoctiurs, Augdog, SilverFlame435, tosha73, JPhilipp, neilsher, Hakren, volivieri, alec_mackay, Samulis, CalGre, ingudios, bottles, neilsher and previously credited artists via Freesound.orgMusicCreepy V