Jochum Strength Podcast

Episode 46 - Joel Smith - The Manufactured Athlete



Nugget Of the Day: “The work that hurts you less than it hurts others is the work you were made to do” This quote leads us into our guest today Joel Smith. Joel is the founder of Just Fly Sports and host the Just Fly Performance Podcast where he has top level coaches from around the world talk about sports performance. He is also the author of Speed Strength and Vertical Foundations, both books I have gained a ton from. I have listened to Joel’s podcast for a long time and it really has helped shaped many of thoughts on sports performance as well as introduced me to many of the coaches I follow now. He was recommended by the legendary guest Dr. Tommy John and I can’t wait for you guys to listen to this conversation! Today we talked about creativity and the manufactured athlete and how we need to approach these subjects as coaches!  Thank you for listening! Keep Chopping Wood