Chelsea Fancast

'A Time for Unity' Chelsea FanCast #329



Stamford Chidge is joined by Jonathan Kydd, Clayton Beerman and Ross Mooring to discuss all things Chelsea. Another defeat. At Home. And against Southampton. It really is beyond all reason and comprehension. None of us could have predicted how far and how quickly this team – Champions of England let us not forget – have fallen. It is mental isn't it? And that may be the point and one which Jose has repeated many times recently. How else does one explain how, under pressure from Southampton, Chelsea crumbled more quickly than a chimney blown up by Fred Dibnah (google it) and how they can play this badly for the last two months. But don’t worry after a few post-match beers with Jonny T, your Uncle Chidge has it all figured out! On the show tonight we’ll be questioning the mental strength of the Chelsea players and while we are at it the mentality of so called Chelsea supporters who left when the third went in or booed at the end and incredulously want Jose Mourinho out. Bed wetters the lot of... &nbs