Prime Mates

35 - Mike Tyson vs Silverback Gorilla (with Dave Warneke)



This week it has been reported in the news that Mike Tyson wanted to fight a gorilla in the 1980s, with guest Dave Warneke (Do Go On), we talk about how this came about and what chance a human would have in beating an ape in a fight...    I'm touring my new stand up show Bone Dry in 2019 (to Adelaide, Brisbane and Melbourne) Tickets/details:   Use the early bird discount code 'dogoon'   Support the show on Patreon Our twitter: @PrimeMatesPod Our instagram: @primematespod Facebook: Email: Got topic/primate suggestions for the show? Chuck them here: My Twitter, Instagram, Facebook  Check out Dave and my other podcast (where we do a report about a different topic each week): Do Go On Dave's New Podcast: Book Cheat (@BookCheatPod on Twitter/Instagram/Facebook) Dave's twitter: @davewarneke Our awesome theme song by Evan Munro-Smith and logo by Peader Thomas Websites quoted: https://www.thesun.