Hollywood Late Night With Rocco

Ep10 - "It's Pilot Season" with Maria Russell celebrating the world of Television



Take a ride with Rocco and Moonlight Mike this episode while they talk about TV; new shows, big hits, current flops, and top headlines. Rocco introduces the cast and walks them into the "Hollywood Late Night Ice Box", located in the basement of "The Network Studios". It's a chilly night with plenty of comedy to warm you up, and Rocco's serving "Roc Cocoa". The guys picked up a few new Sponsors this episode, "Captain Jacks Cash for Gold", "Roccages Sausages", and "Vague Advertising". You will enjoy a ring of the "doorbell" by one of Rocco and Moonlight's favorite humans, "JoJo", and also by Special Guest Actress, who you've seen on "The Mentalist", "Major Crimes", "CSI", "Southland", and "Criminal Minds", Maria Russell. Rocco, Moonlight, and the Cast will play a game of "TV Show Theme Songs", and "Late Night Spitfire". Special Musical performance by Recording Artist, "Dave Crossland".