Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 47: Friday Five With Maria Sirois



"Crisis Moments Allow Us To Get Super Clear On What Is Important To Us" Maria shares her thoughts on how to get thorough times of suffering and this is how she invites us to find anchors that will allow us to stay afloat when we feel untethered and uncertain. If you are going through a challenging time can you root yourself in one or two of these thoughts? Maria shares that we have to feel what we feel and face our loss head on. There is no pretending in the face of suffering that it is not excruciating. Allow yourself to be in your feelings. Sit in the discomfort as that will help it move through you. Maria then invites us to breathe through our feelings - this small act will create tiny oasis of respite. Our breathe allows us to feel shattered and be in this new normal – deep breaths – one by one, moment by moment. Depending on where you are on your journey Maria then invites you to begin to choose your best practices to help you move upward out of the darker moments – it may be moving your body, gathering