Wealth Coach William R. Patterson - Baronseries.com

How Will the $700 Billion Rescue Plan Affect You? (Part I) - Wealth Coach William R. Patterson



Wealth coach and best-selling author William R. Patterson appears on CBS Radio Talk 1580 for a two-part interview on how the $700 billion rescue plan will affect Wall Street, businesses, individual investors, homeowners, students, and retirees. For more information visit, http://www.baronseries.com/coaching.htm. Show topics: (1) What the $700 billion rescue plan means to your personal finances, retirement accounts, and small business (2) Why the house rejection of the initial bailout bill caused the largest Dow Jones point drop in history ($1.2 trillion loss of value) (3) How to profit from downward moves in the stock market (4) What every investor should know to protect themselves from market risk (5) Smart strategies for making "big" money in a financial crisis