Joyce Barrie & Friends

Awesome Power of Love & Law of Attraction - Beverly Nadler



Hear our Health Guru, Beverly Nadler, provide some fascinating and amazing facts about “the power of love” and learn how to activate it and attract more of what you love into your life. “When you see your life as "How can I contribute love to the world?" you will live a longer, healthier life.”  Dr. Bernie Siegel. Everything is energy, and one of the most powerful energy fields you can project comes from love. Think positive thoughts and you’ll test strong on muscle testing. Think thoughts of love (picturing a loved one and affirming love) and your energy becomes even stronger. Mystics, metaphysicians, physicists and heath practitioners, using muscle testing or electronic equipment, have confirmed this over and over. The testing results are temporary, however. Our energy field stays strong as long as we are thinking positive or loving thoughts.  What magnetizes us to continually attract “good” – including good that is unanticipated and unexpected -- is the “state of being” of unconditional love, not the “em