Bob & Sheri

Lamar reviews - Arkansas 5-08



    I’ve always said the R-rated comedy is tricky to pull off, but even trickier than that is the Dark Comedy. At the top of this list would be Fargo, Pulp Fiction, and Snatch. Arkansas turns out to not be anywhere close to that level. I had high expectations for this movie. Dark comedy with Vince Vaughn and John Malkovich, how can you possibly go wrong? Turns out you sorta can. Biggest problem is Liam Hemsworth as the character Kyle.  Not only doesn’t he bring anything to his role, he actually sucks out a good portion of the air in whatever room he is in. While his partner in crime, Swin, played by Clark Duke lights up every scene he’s in, but it’s not enough to offset the vacuum caused by Hemsworth.       Kyle is at the bottom of a drug dealing operation. He has no aspiration to do more than the minimum and get drunk when he wants. He teams u with Swin who is quirky from the top of his thin stringy man bun, past his wispy, barely visible mustache, down to his ridiculous, colorful Hammer pants.    The differ