Leroy Community Chapel Podcast

A Better Race



Passage: Hebrews 6:9-12 Vince Lombardi did say that “a good offense is the best defense”. A good leader knows when to be firm and press in and when to encourage. The writer to the Hebrews desires his readers to always be on the move; to bear fruit that accompanies faith in a better Savior. So, immediately after the warning to not fall away as others have done, the writer contrasts falling away with “better things” that accompany salvation. And these better things are the stuff of running a better race. * Consider the contrast between the warning in 6:4-8 and the encouragement in 6:9-12. What is the basis of the writers confidence and encouragement? * How does the “Root and Fruit” principle show up in this passage? What other bible passages can you remember that talk about the truth of this principle? * How are you doing? In what ways are we doing well as a church? In what ways can you improve your walking in the fruit of your salvation?