Anastasia Green "new Leaders"

Should startups consider M&A in 2020 | Panel Discussion at M&A2020



Join us for an insightful panel discussion between seasoned investors, entrepreneurs, and M&A professionals. Our panelists include Nick Davidov from Gagarin Capital, Jinal Jhaveri from Runa Capital, Ehudah Velkovich, Serge Jonnaert from Corum Group, Jeffery Potvin from Supporters Fund, and Graham Curme from Hypofusion, moderated by Anastasia Green.   - What is the most important trend that you see is happening right now in the Startup - VC world?   - If you would have a conversation with the startup founder preparing for M&A, which 1 piece of advice would you give them?   - What's the worst the most disastrous M&A story that you came across in your career?   - Give us your bravest prediction of what will we speak about if this conference would be in 2025?