Radio Cota

Radio COTA #59: What do Aussies REALLY Want in a Home, Part 2



What do Aussies really want in a home – Part 2 Let's keep the conversation going! COTA Queensland has been asking the question, "Who is asking older Queenslanders what THEY want in a home when they retire?" There’s been a lot of talk of late about accessible and affordable housing, so, what does accessible and affordable housing really mean to older Australians? Are we being talked into settling for houses that may not be exactly what we want, but are the only options available? Are Australians being consulted and are our voices being heard when it comes to accessible and affordable housing? We chat with some older Aussies to find out! This begs the question, “who is asking older people what they want in a home?” Tune in to learn about the government's newly released Queensland Housing Strategy 2017 – 2027 - Building a better housing future for all Queenslanders. So, grab a cuppa, sit back, relax and enjoy the latest from Radio COTA! We value your feedback and look forward to hearing more topic suggestion