Radio Cota

Radio COTA #72: Technology & The Older Queenslander, Part 2



This week’s Radio COTA Podcast # 72 is Part 2 of our “Technology & The Older Queenslander” Special ! In this week’s show, there’s even more relevant Technology news and information for you, but most of all … Our special featured Guest is Dr John O’Sullivan, the head of the Australian CSIRO team who discovered / invented / call it what you will, one of the greatest advancements in Technology to date … That wonderful thing we know as Wi-Fi ! Dr O’Sullivan shares with us the story behind the discovery of Wi-Fi and encourages us all to embrace the world of technology, to get hands on with it, and to make it work for us ! So, make yourself a cuppa, put your feet up, and enjoy all that Radio COTA brings to you .. Please send us your feedback and suggestions, we'd love to hear from you ... Email us at ... Enjoy the show ! Your host, Andy Neil