Nonprofit Jenni Show

Why Nonprofit Leaders Dread The Big Payback (and Other Local Giving Days)



Do you have a local 24-hour Day of Giving coming up this spring, like The Big Payback in Middle Tennessee? This episode is Part 3 of our 4-week series about local giving days, and Jenni is outlining some of the biggest reasons that nonprofit leaders in her community are dreading The Big Payback: The same nonprofit always seems to “win” the day every year, so it feels really hard to make an impact. Nonprofits don’t get to keep 100% of the funds they raise during the Giving Day. Some nonprofits have just hosted (or are about to host) their spring fundraising event too close to the Day of Giving. Some nonprofit leaders feel disappointed by the results of last year’s Giving Day. Listen for Jenni’s advice if you’re feeling discouraged for some of the same reasons! Nonprofit Jenni provides consulting services and coaching calls for nonprofits and social impact organizations seeking guidance in the areas of Marketing, Fundraising, Growth, and Starting Up. Visit to learn more. All information in