Empowered Empaths

Is Fear Mandatory in Times of Crisis?



Join Martha and Kristin for a discussion about fear! So...is fear mandatory in times of crisis? On the latest edition of Empowered Empaths, Kristin and I discussed the consciousness around the Corona virus and asked if it was necessary to connect with the fear that is so prevalent these days. There is no shortage of valid reasons to be afraid these days, we hear the stories coming in from around the world that suggest that the worst is yet to come and it’s going to be pretty doggone bad. Hoarding of essential items has begun and the grocery stores are struggling to keep shelves stocked. The fear of being caught without adequate supplies is powerful and catapults us into an “us against them” mindset that allows you to justify hoarding all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer. After all, don’t we have to take care of our families first and foremost? I am hoping that at least some of us can brave enough to entertain the idea that blind fear is optional. Fear is a powerful and necessary tool that alerts us to imm