Bowman Realty

2 Myths Holding Back Home Buyers



Hey, what's going on everyone, Aaron Bowman here and thanks again for coming by and listening to another podcast episode. And today we're going to be talking about two myths holding back home buyers. So if you are currently in the process of buying a home or maybe you even are thinking about it, let me know in the comments if these myths are something you thought about early on in the process. Now, in a recent article first American shared how Millennials are not really any different from previous generations when it comes to a goal of homeownership. It's still a huge part of the American dream. The piece also reveals these two myths, which I think are very important to look at because I think this is really what holds people back when it comes to buying a home you know, they end up renting instead of buying something. So Myth number one, I need a 20% down payment. You know, buyers often overestimate how much they need to qualify for a home loan This is according to the same article, you know, Americans still