Bowman Realty

Buyers Are Looking Now. Are You Ready to List Your Home?



Hey what's going on everyone, Aaron Bowman here with the Bowman Realty Group over at EXP Realty and thank you for coming by and listening to a another podcast today. Today's gonna be another short one, trying to make these a little bit shorter so people can consume them a little bit easier. And what we're going to be talking about today are buyers that are looking for homes and if you're ready to list your home, and we got a little bit of data here, I will put a link to this blog post that's on our website. In basically it's going to be we're going to be talking really inventory levels. You know, inventory in the market today is low especially among existing homes in the entry to mid level tiers of the market is hovering well below the six month supply typically found in a more normal market, as shown in the graph below which you can see on the the actual blog post. It is really crazy. That the inventory is getting so low. Right here in Connecticut, I think we're currently at three months worth of inventory,