Unleashed With Jess Ratcliffe

57. Getting Started with Your Personal Development, Let’s Do This



I’ve spent the last few days asking myself “How can I be helpful?” The first answer that came to me last week was to share one thing a day to help us feel more positive and productive. And to be honest, that idea was reactive, I wanted to do something – anything! – to help. Now a week in, it feels like that idea only skims the surface. And it’s very likely you’re sitting with bigger questions, like “What do I want life to look like on the other side of this?” That’s the question that resonated with you the most when I shared it a week ago: “What would you love life to look like in 3 months?” In this collective awakening, it’s likely you’re asking yourself questions you might never have asked before. It’s likely you’re wondering how you can find the gift in this shit. I know I am. It was only as I sat with those big questions that I realised I’ve walked a path like this before – not this exact one, that’s for sure – but I’ve had an awakening that shook and shaped my life. I’ve sat with a blank canvas ahead of