The Hamilcast: A Hamilton Podcast

#212: Andrew Bancroft // Freestyle Love Supreme // Part One



Andrew Bancroft aka Jelly Donut of Freestyle Love Supreme is hanging out with me for three super fun episodes! In this episode we rewind FLS's run on Broadway, talk what it feels like to create in the moment, and go all the way back to Jelly's first cassette tape. We hear the incredible story of how his parents met and fell in love, and it's a little bit me, a little bit Andrew on being weird kids who love The Monkees.   Andrew on YouTube TO MY FATHER I LOVE MY MOM YOU THE BEST MAINE Freestyle Love Supreme @jellyd on twitter @mcjellyd on instagram The Monkees Valleri Plesant Valley Sunday Your Auntie Grizelda Episode clip pulled from "Monkee Mayor"