Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

160. Chaos in Washington



The past few weeks, no matter who you are in America have been unsettling. Businesses and leaders have watched the circus in the media and in Washington waiting for a sign or as I call “waiting for a light in the forest”. The youth have watched adults make idiots of themselves and mom and dads every where have had to deal with the unsettling nature of what happens when adult supervision is absent in DC and the hell is causes on youth. Clearly “lord of the flies” is not just a book but a reality. I don’t comment on politics or news taking one position or the other, I just find the a sense of gravity portrayed in DC to be unsettling to the youth trying to figure out where they fit in to the world. Often I wonder how so many adults rely on the news to determine who the are or what is possible. I often scratch my head when any adult relies on who is president or who is speaker of the house to determine their particular future or happiness. No adult should determine their future and their day to day actions on a