Tony Talks

Retire at 36 to be a Stay at Home Dad - Michael Quan



I meet Michael Quan this past year at Global Youth Leadership Summit 2019 in San Diego. Michael is a Stay at home Dad after a Successful Entrepreneurial Venture in IT consulting and was bought out 6 years ago. Both Michael and me attended our Entire Master University together which consisted of Two Unleash the Power within, Date with Destiny, Wealth Mastery and Life Mastery without ever meeting each other. Although Michael doesn't need to work for a living he still wants to grow and learn. He started a financial blog on how to manage your finances and was written in Business Insider on retiring early. Michael shares his story and a week in the life of Michael and his family in the article which gives people insight to what his life looks like. Michael is also going to be hosting a podcast with a very special guest in the Tony Robbins World and we will add to our show notes when the Podcast releases in 2020. We talk about the Emotional Flood Tony Robbins shared with us in 2015 and I have attached a link here: