The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

42 - March 2018 Q & A



Every month, I answer questions from the generous people who support me on Patreon. This is the Patreon Q & A from March 2018. 0:48 Patreon Q#1 - What should teaching and research in the humanities look like? I'm going to grad school for literature and I don't want my work to serve ideological possession. 3:07 Patreon Q#2 - Have you thought about slowing down? There are people worried about how hard you're pushing yourself with the countless commitments. 5:06 Patreon Q#3 - Many who respect your work feel your tweets are often impulsive (or even expedient) in certain interactions. Would you consider a change in the way you tweet? 12:25 Patreon Q#4 - What of a client's need for autonomy/identity in therapy; they would prefer that which is meaningful and therefore under their control; is this not unhealthy? 17:59 Patreon Q#5 - Any update on your plans to start providing independent classes or an online university? 20:55 Patreon Q#6 - I married young and have had only 1 sexual partner. Now I desire variety, b