Standout With Cheryl Tan

80: How To Use Video To Build A Consulting Business With Karol Clark


Sinopse You are going to LOVE this interview. I met Karol Clark in person at her business in Newport News, Virginia. She and her husband run a successful surgical weight loss company and we just started talking. You’ll see why I had to have her continue the conversation on this show. I’m so impressed by the way she is using her expertise as a registered nurse, as a business owner, as a marketer to help physicians market themselves better. There’s a lot of information out there. You know it. But it’s rare to find people actually putting that information into practice. This is especially valuable for students in my Video Bootcamp. If you’re a student, please listen carefully because you can use what you’re learning in the Bootcamp to create the kind of consistency you’ll hear Karol talk about. By the way, this is a great place to mention that you can join us for the Video Bootcamp, my 4-week program designed to help you use video more effectively. Click here for more details