Dr. Carolyn Dean Live

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE



Most people, including M.D.’s, do not understand the importance of balancing calcium and magnesium at the cellular level. Calcium cannot build bones or prevent osteoporosis without adequate levels of magnesium. It’s as simple as that. If our bones were made entirely from calcium, they would become brittle and could shatter just like a stick of chalk falling on the sidewalk. However, with the right percentage of magnesium, bone has the proper density and matrix that actually makes it flexible and more resistant to shattering. Consider this: many elderly people may be suffering bone fractures because they have too much calcium and not enough magnesium. Tonight on Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE we\'re going to talk with our listeners about healthy bones and how to straighten out all the misinformation flooding the market about what the body requires to keep your skeletal structure in tact.  You will love hearing the beneficial interactions with callers and hosts alike including the body/mind